Project Upskill

Upskill your soft skills

Project Overview

A soft skill gap is growing between college grads and future employers, disproportionality affecting first-generation college students. We aim to close this gap by providing 2 workshops organizations like yours can use targeting key areas in supporting the growth of student’s soft skills. Each workshop can be completed individually or through a cohort and includes pre- and post-lesson exercises, written instructions to complete the lesson, a slide deck, and more.

Key features

Currently, Project Upskill provides two workshops: a LinkedIn Personal Branding Workshop and a Networking Workshop. Each workshop includes:

We are only in phase 1 of developing this project, which means that there are more workshops and learning opportunities to come!


Name Description
Personal Brand Develop your personal brand on one of the most important professional platforms: LinkedIn!
Networking Use LinkedIn to connect with iSchool alumni and grow your networking skills.

Poject Demo

Project Status

This is a University of Washington Information School Capstone project for Winter/Spring 2021.

This project is open-source! Check out the following pages to learn more and contribute!